
Find a roommate without spam, scam, & scum.

(We take out the trash for you.)

We review roommates before our subscribers do.

Anyone raising our scam, spam, or scum red flags is immediately ejected before they get in touch with you first.

Helping you avoid roommate scammer scumbags = roomiematch.com anti-scam guidelines.

avoid time-wasting nitwits

Quickly determine who is worth it with Roommate Behavior Ratings.

We also delete anyone that sounds insincere, completely offbase, or just completely insane, BEFORE they'd see any current subscriber's profile.

IP Address actual location

Know where potential roommates actually are, not just where they said they were.

sidestep the scumbags

In addition to weeding out roommate scammers, our human reviewers screen all new roommate profiles for other scumbags.

This is, obviously, if you're well-intentioned, a ROOMMATE service.

Not a place to look for dates or confront any other "adult" content.

Anyone trying to sneak in something shady is way too sleazy for us, and we delete them.

expect freshness

We require a valid email address to start roommate matching, then we stay in touch, deleting anyone no longer looking for a roommate.

We also check in every 3 WEEKS, requiring a response to remain active.

Other roommate services allow online-only profiles, or leave them up indefinitely.

Our roommate profiles are as current as reasonably humanly possible, making it less likely you will waste your time trying to get in touch with anyone no longer looking for a roommate.

save your time

You won't squander your free time here via tedious database searching, board browsing, or site wading. You don't have to surf day after day to find new roommate matches. No extra busywork?

We just email you.

human reviewed & human moderated

No scumbags allowed!

Humans take out the trash for you.

spare your email account

Your information will not be shared, sold, or rented to anyone outside this roommate service.

No "partner offers," and no other word games designed to distract you from noticing we're actually selling your information outside this roommate service even though we said we wouldn't.

We just won't.

All information is only used for the purpose of roommate matching via this roommate service.

We are exclusively about roommates, so you'll hear from us regarding your roommate search, not for any other reason.

pre-screened for trash

Scammers specifically targeting roommate searchers are common. Our human reviewers use their actual eyeballs and organic brains to review all roommate profiles.

MANY get tossed in the trash.


We don't rely on our subscribers as our only reviewers, waiting to see what trash they report after wading around in it themselves.

We take out the trash FOR our subscribers.

We collect a lot of data, not just our actual questions, but also information from the submitter's computer and location. We also do an IP Address Actual Location Analysis, and share the city in which potential roommates are truly located.

Unlike many ways you could find a roommate, we are paying attention to this information, and making use of it to decide which roommate profiles are worth accepting and which are probable scams.

subscription options

FREE Roommate Search

You sit back and wait for potential roommates to contact you.

Since they'll have your Roommate Behavior Ratings, they should be good roommate matches.

However, only Cheap Roommate Searchers will be able to contact you (other Free Roommate Searchers won't have your contact info).

You stay in this category unless you choose Cheap Roommate Search.

You can switch to Cheap Roommate Search now, anytime in the future, or never.

CHEAP Roommate Search

You're in charge.

Your search will go faster when you contact the matches you like right away.

You'll get first crack at the best people, giving you an advantage over those who choose to review their matches first or remain Free Roommate Search.

You'll get contact info for all, so you're in charge of who to contact and when.

You can easily identify yourself when you contact Free Roommate Searchers.

You pay $19.95, good for up to an entire year. There will never be any auto-rebilling or auto-recharging. While most subscribers find a roommate more quickly, this means that if you upgrade, find a roommate, then for whatever reason need another within 12 months, you can be upgraded again for free.

Your match email will also contain your answers to all the questions, along with the customized comparisons, making it very easy to contact your choices.

You just forward it along as your detailed introduction, complete with pair compatibility already outlined.